
Cold footed wedding planner

Whilst muddling through my quarter-life-crisis, I think a lot about planning my wedding. The operative word being think, as I've not yet been able to make any decisions regarding much of anything.
The most critical decision being: What city should I marry in?
Chicago? (Too expensive?)
Cleveland? (Too many guests?)
Destination? (Can our family and friends afford it?)
Ay, ay, ay!

As I peruse wedding blogs daily, I find myself thinking that the most difficult (yet most important) thing to me is to have an original wedding.

Do you think that's even possible? If it is, it's surely not going to be easy. My plan of attack is to just be creative and make decisions based upon what I love.

And here are a few photos of ideas that I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

My dog Penny is very photogenic and will look fabulous in pearls.

All children wedding party. Definitely.

One long table is so intimate.

Chinese floating laterns are lovely.


I simply must have this cake at my wedding.

So what am I waiting for? I suppose I'm afraid I don't have it in me -- the ability to plan an amazing wedding, perfectly lovely and memorable. Sometime in the near future, though, I will bite the bullet. I will make that first critical decision of choosing the location and then everything will fall into place. Right?


Life is a gamble

I often joke about going through a quarter-life crisis, but apparently it's a real thing.
Reading books and articles written on the topic, seeing segments on the news, and just listening to the general buzz around the office, I'm actually hearing a lot about it.

And it goes something like this:
What am I going to do with my life? I'm (insert age here) and I have no idea who I am or who I want to be. I have no (love life, career, money, etc.) and I'm supposed to be a grown up! FML!

Sound familiar? I'm willing to bet it does. But we'll have to wait till Friday. That's payday.

P.S. The title of this post, "Life is a gamble," is a quote from Muhammad Ali.  At the age of 18, Ali won the Olympic Gold Medal in boxing. At 25 years old, he won his first World Heavyweight Championship. Just putting that out there.

So whatever are we to do?

I might suggest being patient. Beginning a career you find meaningful. Following your intuition. Having faith.

But then again, if I knew how to help you I wouldn't be sitting at this computer, writing this post, worrying about what to do next...